Liam Wright’s 5 Tips to help you work hard and achieve your dreams.
Liam Wright’s Determination
Sometimes, it’s easy to forget professional athletes aren’t born legendary – in fact they have moments of self-doubt and obstacles to tackle like most kids growing up. Being a professional athlete may seem like a distant dream, but 21-year-old Liam Wright is living proof that it is achievable with some hard work, dedication and willingness to learn.
Liam made his Super Rugby debut with the St.George Queensland Reds in 2018, and this year he was the only player to start every match of the season – which is a big deal for any professional rugby pro.
5 Tips to help you achieve your dreams
You might love sport or not be such a fan, but no matter what, there is something to be learnt from young athletes like Liam Wright, who are rising through the ranks thanks to hard work and dedication. So, we’ve picked Liam’s brain for his top advice on turning your dream, whatever it may be, into the real deal.
1. Kicking goals and ticking boxes
Once you’ve decided what it is you have your heart set on, set short term/achievable goals and tick them off day by day to help get you there. If you set realistic goals that can be ticked off every week, you begin to feel accomplished and you soon realise that you can aim a bit higher – slowly but surely you’ll be kicking goals you never thought you could!
2. Persistence and dedication
Dedicate time outside of what is required (like training or class) to make yourself an expert in whatever it is you’re wanting to do professionally. By doing this you’re automatically upping your game. Something that always plays in my mind too is ‘If you compete with others you become bitter, if you compete with yourself you become better’. So challenge yourself, rather than comparing yourself to others and you’ll be amazed by how far it gets you.
3. Be your #1 supporter
This one might sound cliché, but you do have to believe in yourself and your abilities. You don’t have to be arrogant to be confident in yourself. Sometimes the better you get at something, the more criticism you get too – so always just remember that you’ve got this!
4. Find your allies
Surround yourself with a good support group, family or friends that know you and want to see you succeed. Sometimes they might challenge you, but this will push you to be better. Trust your gut and don’t let anyone get you down.
5. You’ve got nothing to lose!
Go for it – but if you do, give it everything. That’s not to say you can’t have any downtime or fun. But be deliberate, make plans, seek advice, and aim to keep improving. That way, regardless of whether it happens, you know you gave it your all.